Inclusive Educational Assessments

Our team at The Inclusive School allied health team is proud to be offering the new ‘gold standard’ in assessments:
Inclusive Educational Assessments.

Our multidisciplinary approach is founded on inclusive educators and health professionals working hand-in-hand to deliver a comprehensive assessment to support the education of your child.

A picture of Rachelle Thannhauser, Clinic Lead.

Our Unique Approach

We love and celebrate that each child is unique, bringing their own set of strengths and areas for growth in their learning. An important first step in understanding how best to help your child can be through an educational or psychological assessment.

Our team leader, Rachelle Thannhauser, is a Registered Psychologist (AHPRA), Educational and Developmental Psychologist registrar, and a registered provider for Medicare.

Our allied health team is now offering an extensive range of educational and behavioural assessments.

  • Specific Learning Disorders

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Intellectual Disabilities

  • Communication Disorders

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Depressive Disorders

    and more.

Book Now!

Appointments now available. Complete the form below and one of our friendly team will be in touch shortly.